These trains, known as “norry” in Khmer, consist of a wooden frame, bamboo decking, an engine and wheels that come from a bust-up wartime tank. They chug up and down the railway line between Battambang and the outskirts of Phnom Penh.
Naturally, they are illegal, but tolerated because they are so useful – and in any case there is only one real train a week up and down the line. Bamboo trains are used for carrying people as well as freight.
A trip on one of these can be booked through most hotels, or you can arrange it through your local motorbike taxi or tuk-tuk driver.
The Cultural Village of Watkor
Two kilometers south of the town, this village has half a dozen wooden houses dating from about 100 years ago, along with tools and other artifacts used in daily life at that time, such as a rice mill and an ox-cart.
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